Remember to always enter all expenses. You can not make an expense at the checkout without specifying the reason (you must select a category) ⚡️ Just stick to these rules, and you will have everything well with your finances
Income and expense buttons. With their help, you can directly deposit money to the cash register or make an expense for some needs. Typical examples of expenses and incomes are described above. Consider the situation. Technician Mike inquired to give him a part of the salary (if you do not know how to set up the salary of an employee, read
here). It can be done quite easily, as there is $885 in the cash register:
- press the button '-',
- indicate the amount (in our case it is $350),
- select the category and payment method (cash or card)
- if needed, you can write a comment.
This is done now, great job, and Mike is happy! Note how balance has depleted from this expense operation.