
Interface Update

We are excited to share the latest update to our CRM system.
You might have noticed that previously some buttons were not very noticeable. They were either in a blind spot or obscured by the interface itself.
Taking into account your feedback and experience with the system, we have made changes that will help new employees get up to speed more quickly and make your work more efficient.
What has changed?

  • Simplified Onboarding for New Employees:
Important buttons are now placed in more convenient locations. Employees can adapt to the system more quickly and start productive work from day one.

  • Improved Clarity:
We have redesigned the buttons to make them more noticeable. Key buttons are now prominently highlighted compared to other elements of the software.
  • Enhanced Visibility:
We have moved the key buttons from the blind spot in the bottom right corner to a more visually accessible location - now you can find the necessary functions immediately, without wasting time searching.

  • Error Reduction:
The "MORE" button helps to avoid accidental clicks. Now you know exactly where to click.
Don't forget to check out the updated buttons and share your feedback!
Thank you for your engagement and attention to detail. Together, we are making our CRM system even better!